Jumping Spider vs Cellar Spider: Who Wins?

Spiders are one of the most intriguing creatures that exist, and their diversity is vast. Not all spiders are equally fascinating, and not all of them are dangerous. In fact, some of them are quite beneficial to have around your home! Two such spiders that you may commonly encounter are the jumping spider and the cellar spider.

These two spider species share some similarities, but there are distinct differences that make them unique. Knowing what to look for is essential in identifying them correctly. In this article, we will compare and contrast these two spider species, providing you with the knowledge to distinguish between them and identify which one is the ultimate winner in attributes such as hunting technique, appearance, and behavior.

Key Takeaways:

  • Jumping spiders and cellar spiders are common spider species that you may encounter.
  • Understanding the differences between the two can help you identify and appreciate their uniqueness.
  • Jumping spiders are known for their leaping ability, impressive eyesight, and compact, stocky body shape.
  • Cellar spiders are known for their long, thin legs and delicate bodies.
  • Both spiders are harmless to humans and play a crucial role in ecosystems.

What is a Jumping Spider?

Jumping spiders are fascinating arachnids that are known for their incredible leaping ability. Belonging to the Salticidae family, jumping spiders are small-sized spiders that can be found in habitats worldwide. They are widely recognized for their agility and excellent eyesight, which enables them to detect prey from a distance.

There are approximately 6,000 known species of jumping spiders, with colors and patterns that vary depending on the species. However, there are some characteristics that are commonly associated with jumping spiders.

Characteristics Description
Vision Jumping spiders have the best eyesight of all spider species, with four pairs of eyes. The front two pairs of eyes are particularly large and allow them to see in high resolution.
Movement Jumping spiders have muscular legs that enable them to jump up to six times their body length. They are also capable of rapid, jerky movements, which aids them in hunting prey.
Behavior Jumping spiders are known for their curious and explorative behavior. They are not aggressive and are harmless to humans. Some species are even kept as pets due to their charming appearance and interesting behaviors.

Overall, jumping spiders are unique creatures that have captured the attention and curiosity of many individuals. There is still much to learn about these fascinating arachnids, but understanding their characteristics and behaviors can lead to a greater appreciation of their importance in the ecosystem.

What is a Cellar Spider?

Cellar spiders, also known as daddy longlegs spiders, are common household arachnids. They belong to the Pholcidae family and are recognizable by their long, slender bodies and thin legs. These spiders are found in webs in dark and damp environments such as basements, cellars, and crawl spaces. Despite their intimidating appearance, these spiders are harmless to humans.

The average size of a male cellar spider is about 3-4 mm, and females can grow up to 10 mm. They have eight long legs and two small pedipalps. They are generally light brown or gray in color.

One of the unique characteristics of the cellar spider is its ability to vibrate its web. This is because cellar spiders lack the ability to produce silk that is strong enough for their needs. By vibrating the web, they create the illusion that it is stronger than it is, which can deter potential predators from attacking.

cellar spider characteristics

“Cellar spiders are common household arachnids. They belong to the Pholcidae family and are recognizable by their long, slender bodies and thin legs.”

Differences between Jumping Spiders and Cellar Spiders

Jumping spiders and cellar spiders may both belong to the same arachnid class, but there are several key differences between the two that can help you identify them. Let’s take a closer look.

Category Jumping Spiders Cellar Spiders
Physical Appearance Compact, stocky body shape
Large forward-facing eyes (jumping spiders have the best vision of any spider!)
Long, slender body shape
Thin, elongated legs
Hunting Techniques Rapid jump to catch prey Web-building to trap prey
Prevalence Found outdoors in a variety of habitats worldwide Commonly found indoors, particularly in dark, damp environments such as basements and crawl spaces
Danger to Humans Most species are harmless to humans Completely harmless to humans

In summary, if you come across a compact spider with large, forward-facing eyes that is agile and quick to jump, it is likely a jumping spider. If you see a spider with a long, slender body and thin legs that is hanging out in dark, damp corners, then you have likely found a cellar spider. Knowing these distinguishing characteristics can help you feel more confident in identifying the spiders you encounter.

Identifying Jumping Spiders

Jumping spiders are incredible creatures with distinctive features that make them stand out from other spider species. By identifying these characteristics, you can gain a deeper appreciation for their unique beauty and behaviors.

Jumping spiders can have various colors and patterns, but they typically have a compact, stocky body shape. They are known for their large, forward-facing eyes, which give them excellent vision and an almost human-like appearance. Their eyes are also an adaptation that allows them to judge distance accurately when jumping to catch their prey.

Jumping Spider

In addition to their eyes, jumping spiders also have thick legs that give them their agile and nimble movements. These spiders cover long distances by jumping, often many times their own body length, to pursue their prey. Their powerful legs end in small hooked claws that help them grip surfaces and climb.

If you come across a spider that fits this description, it’s likely to be a jumping spider. Take a closer look at their unique characteristics and appreciate the wonder of these fascinating arachnids.

Identifying Cellar Spiders

Cellar spiders have a distinctive appearance, making them easy to spot. They have long thin legs and delicate bodies, which can often be seen hanging from their webs. These spiders are typically found in dark, damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces.

When compared to other spider species, cellar spiders are quite docile and harmless to humans. Their long legs give them a unique advantage, allowing them to move quickly and catch prey efficiently. However, they are primarily known for their ability to spin complex webs that look like messy tangles.

If you want to identify a cellar spider, look for their web. It typically looks like a wispy cobweb with no particular shape or pattern. Cellar spiders can range in color from light brown to gray, and they are usually less than an inch in size.

To further help you distinguish between cellar spiders and other species, refer to the table below:

Characteristic Cellar Spider Other Spider Species
Body Shape Slender and elongated Varies widely based on species
Legs Long and thin Vary in thickness and length
Web Messy cobweb-like tangles Varies widely based on species
Color Light brown to gray Varies widely based on species

By understanding the unique characteristics and habits of cellar spiders, you can easily identify them and appreciate their role in the ecosystem.


Now that you have learned about jumping spiders and cellar spiders, you can easily identify which species you may encounter. Although both are incredible creatures, each has unique characteristics and behaviors that set them apart. Remember that jumping spiders are known for their agility and impressive hunting skills, while cellar spiders are typically found in dark, damp environments.

Whether you come across a jumping spider or a cellar spider, it’s important to approach them with caution and respect. Both species play important roles in their environments, and we can appreciate their contributions to our ecosystems.

So, who wins in the jumping spider vs cellar spider competition? The answer is not so simple. It ultimately depends on the environment and circumstances in which they are found. Regardless, we hope that this article has provided you with valuable insights and a deeper appreciation for these fascinating arachnids.


What are the key characteristics of a jumping spider?

Jumping spiders are small-sized spiders known for their leaping ability. They have excellent eyesight and are agile in their movements.

What are some facts about jumping spiders?

Jumping spiders belong to the Salticidae family and can be found in various habitats worldwide. They have compact, stocky bodies and are known for their unique colors and patterns.

How can I identify a jumping spider?

Jumping spiders often have a compact body shape, large forward-facing eyes, and the ability to jump quickly. Their distinctive characteristics make them easily recognizable.

What are the key characteristics of a cellar spider?

Cellar spiders, also known as daddy longlegs spiders, have long, slender bodies and thin legs. They belong to the Pholcidae family and are harmless to humans.

What are some facts about cellar spiders?

Cellar spiders can be found in dark, damp areas such as basements and crawl spaces. Despite their intimidating appearance, they pose no threat to humans and help control other insect populations.

How can I identify a cellar spider?

Cellar spiders have long, thin legs and a delicate body structure. Their unique appearance sets them apart from other spider species, and they are often found in specific environments.

What are the differences between jumping spiders and cellar spiders?

Jumping spiders and cellar spiders differ in their physical appearance, hunting techniques, and habitat preferences. Understanding these distinctions will help you identify which spider you come across.

What is the conclusion regarding the comparison between jumping spiders and cellar spiders?

While both jumping spiders and cellar spiders are fascinating creatures, they have distinct characteristics that differentiate them. Learning about these differences will help you identify and appreciate these unique spider species.

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